Immersive Technology for Mental Wellness
Research on SoundSelf shows it can safely and effectively induce non-ordinary states of consciousness and improve mental wellness.

SoundSelf Activates Identical Brainwave Patterns to High-Dose Psychedelics and Deep Meditation
Mindfulness and Psychological Wellbeing Increase with SoundSelf Use

SoundSelf as a Ketamine Adjunct
Clinical Validation of SoundSelf for Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP)
A recent independent study performed by Nadine Causey, DNP, at Palm Beach Atlantic University, shows that using SoundSelf with ketamine therapy significantly improves mental health.
Participants with depression and anxiety saw major reductions in their symptoms: depression scores dropped by over 30%, anxiety scores by nearly 25%, and stress levels decreased significantly.
Additionally, users reported feeling more mindful and aware. These findings confirm what we have been seeing in the field: SoundSelf is a powerful tool to enhance ketamine treatment outcomes for those struggling with depression and anxiety.
“The main benefit of transpersonal states of consciousness, like those accessible by SoundSelf or classical psychedelics, is developing a sense of deep meaning in one’s life. Over time, regularly and safely entering transpersonal states of consciousness, you develop a sense of belonging in the body, the world, and the story of your life.
In this state, you are opened up to more information from the body and the psyche. It is as if the doors of perception into our emotional and feeling worlds are temporarily opened, and you have an opportunity to be with yourself in a new way.”
Sandeep Prakash, PhD - Chief Scientific Officer