SoundSelf Clinical Guidelines: Best Practices for Ketamine and Psychedelic Therapy

Sandeep Prakash, Ph.D., Chief Scientific Officer

SoundSelf, an immersive biofeedback technology, can be a valuable tool for therapists to enhance the effectiveness of ketamine therapy. These guidelines aim to provide therapists with practical recommendations on how to integrate SoundSelf into their ketamine clinics to optimize therapeutic outcomes and support patients during their treatment journey. By incorporating SoundSelf sessions in the therapeutic process with ketamine (or any substance or activity that induces non-ordinary states of consciousness, such as psilocybin, MDMA, deep relational work, sexual ecstasy, dance, etc.), patients can experience improved mental health benefits, heightened mindfulness, increased attention and absorption skills, and enhanced integration of the therapeutic journey. This white paper will explore how SoundSelf can effectively improve clinical work with psychedelic medicines.

1. Familiarize Yourself with SoundSelf:

SoundSelf is an immersive technology that empowers people to use their own voice, respiration, and attention to enter a non-ordinary state of consciousness characterized by increased relaxation, attention, and absorption. SoundSelf modulates the auditory and visual system using music and strobing LEDs designed to respond to the user’s voice and target relaxed, yet alert, hypnagogic states. 

Therapists should first familiarize themselves with SoundSelf by first undergoing at least 2 SoundSelf experiences. By having their own experience with SoundSelf, therapists can speak authoritatively on the subjective nature of experience associated with SoundSelf. Therapists should then review the research on SoundSelf, found at

Therapists should continue to familiarize themselves with SoundSelf by undergoing training or attending workshops to gain a comprehensive understanding of the technology and its potential benefits. This knowledge will enable therapists to effectively guide patients through the SoundSelf sessions and address any questions or concerns that may arise. SoundSelf trainings are offered free-of-charge, on a monthly basis through a Zoom call. 

2. Assess Suitability and Readiness:

Before incorporating SoundSelf into ketamine therapy, therapists should assess the suitability and readiness of each patient. Consider factors such as the patient's mental health history, current psychological state, and openness to immersive experiences. SoundSelf cannot be experienced by individuals with epilepsy or at risk for seizures. SoundSelf may not be suitable for individuals with certain psychiatric conditions or those who are not comfortable with the high-intensity or immersive nature of the technology. 

3. Educate Patients about SoundSelf:

Therapists should provide clear and comprehensive education to patients about SoundSelf and its purpose in the therapeutic process. Explain how SoundSelf can enhance their overall treatment experience and encourage their active participation. Address any concerns or misconceptions and ensure that patients have realistic expectations regarding the potential outcomes of integrating SoundSelf into ketamine therapy.

Suggested Language to Inform Patients about SoundSelf:

SoundSelf sessions can be incorporated into the ketamine therapy process. SoundSelf is an immersive biofeedback technology that can significantly enhance your therapeutic journey. It works by creating a safe and supportive environment for self-reflection, exploration, and integration. By wearing LED stroboscopic glasses, headphones, and a microphone, you will engage in vocal toning or chanting while the software generates a unique feedback loop that induces non-ordinary states of consciousness. It’s a fun, enjoyable way to enter a deeply relaxing and potentially transformative state of consciousness. 

SoundSelf has several roles in your ketamine therapy. Firstly, it acts as a bridge, helping you transition smoothly between the therapeutic session and the integration phase. It provides a container for self-reflection and emotional exploration, allowing you to make deeper connections with your experiences. Additionally, SoundSelf amplifies the insights gained during ketamine therapy, helping you deepen your understanding and awareness of your journey. By engaging in SoundSelf sessions after therapy, you can integrate and expand upon these insights, fostering personal growth and positive change.

SoundSelf can be particularly helpful in relieving anxiety and calming the nervous system on the day of your ketamine session. We can schedule a SoundSelf session directly before dosing to help create a more relaxed and grounded state for you. It can also be experienced during the "come down" phase of ketamine, assisting in grounding you back into your body, connecting you to your breath, and anchoring any insights that emerged during the psychedelic experience.

The frequency of SoundSelf sessions will depend on your specific needs and goals. Generally, for the preparation phase, I recommend three sessions before your ketamine dosing. These sessions will help establish a grounded and receptive state of mind, fostering a sense of safety, intention, and openness. For the integration phase, I suggest another three sessions after dosing to provide a supportive space for reflection, processing, and assimilation of your experiences. It's important to note that SoundSelf is not a replacement for psychotherapy but can greatly empower you in your healing journey.

4. Integration into Treatment Plan:

Develop a treatment plan that incorporates SoundSelf sessions at appropriate stages of ketamine therapy. Consider incorporating SoundSelf sessions both before and after ketamine administration to maximize its benefits. Pre-session SoundSelf can help patients establish a grounded and receptive state of mind, while post-session SoundSelf aids in the integration process by providing a supportive space for reflection and assimilation of the therapeutic experiences.

Invite individuals to do SoundSelf as a start their patient journey at your clinic. SoundSelf rapidly aids in nervous system regulation, accompanied by a feeling of ease and relaxation. This state can be a great starting point for psychotherapy, other mind/body therapies, and ketamine/psychedelic therapy. 

Suggested SoundSelf protocols:

- For general mindfulness training and stress management: Start with 3-4 sessions per week and gradually taper down to 2 sessions per week. Engage in any mindfulness or awareness practice on days without SoundSelf sessions.

- For Ketamine- and Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy: Before dosing, have 3 sessions for preparation, and after dosing, have 3 sessions for integration. SoundSelf complements therapy but does not replace it.

- For Mental Health Problems: SoundSelf is not intended to treat or monitor health problems. It can be used alongside other treatments to enhance overall response by providing mindfulness training, nervous system regulation, and psychological insights.

5. Set a Safe and Comfortable Environment:

Create a safe and comfortable environment for SoundSelf sessions within the ketamine clinic. Ensure that the physical space is conducive to relaxation and privacy: ideally, SoundSelf should be done privately in a room with soft, minimal lighting and no distracting sounds. 

Use a recliner, reclining chair, or massage table for patients to experience SoundSelf. If you are using the InHarmony vibro-acoustic bed, it can be placed directly on the floor, but it is preferable to use it with a stand (patients with mobility issues will prefer a raised bed). 

Ensure all hardware and computers are connected, and the headphones are charged between sessions. Make sure all devices are connected and powered on before launching the SoundSelf software on your computer. 

6. Starting and Ending a SoundSelf Session

  • Make sure all hardware is connected, including the LED glasses system, and the dongle for the wireless headphones. Power on the LED glasses system, and the headphones. Launch SoundSelf.

  • Invite the patient to relax comfortably on the recliner or InHarmony vibro-acoustic bed. 

  • Inform them that the SoundSelf experience will last 40 minutes (Story Mode), 30 minutes (Integration Mode), or 20 minutes (Theta Charge Mode). 

  • Demonstrate to the patient a relaxed inhalation, followed by a long, drawn out, and full “Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh” tone, informing them that after the guided meditation at the start, the whole experience will be generated by their own voice. They should repeat relaxed inhalations, and long tones until they hear the guide come by for the closing meditation.

  • Inform the patient they are in control, and that if they feel overwhelmed, they can stop the experience at any time by removing the LED glasses and headphones. Encourage them to self-regulate, and add that “Surrendering to the experience” can be valuable for them. 

  • Place the glasses over the patient's eyes and ears, saying “SoundSelf is done with eyes CLOSED throughout the entire experience, please keep your eyes closed”. 

  • Before placing the headphones over the patient’s head, say “I’ll put the headphones on now, use your hands to get it comfortable around your ears, and then I’ll start the experience”. Place the headphones over patient's head and hears. 

  • If using an InHarmony bed, select the option for vibro-acoustics. Press “Start” to initiate the SoundSelf session. 

Ending a SoundSelf session

  • Use a timer to come back into the room at the appropriate time quietly: it is recommended to arrive 1 minute before the session ends. 

  • Using your discretion and considering your experience/rapport with the patient, slowly and gently place a hand on their shoulder.

  • Gently remove the headphones from the patient’s head, saying “Welcome back (their name)”.

  • Allow them to initiate any dialogue they might have after the experience. 

6. Integrate SoundSelf Insights:

After each SoundSelf session, allocate time for patients to discuss their experiences and insights. Help them integrate these newfound insights into their overall therapeutic journey. Facilitate discussions on the symbolic, metaphorical, or transformative aspects of their SoundSelf experiences and guide patients in applying these insights to their daily lives for lasting positive change.

Engaging in journaling, drawing, or other expressive arts allows individuals to explore and express their thoughts, emotions, and insights. These creative practices provide tangible outlets for self-reflection and help integrate SoundSelf experiences in a personal and meaningful way.


Invite the patient to find some time towards the end of their day to journal freely about their SoundSelf experience. Ask them to reflect on how they felt as they did the experience, how they felt after the session, and to write about that. Invite them to explore any insights that emerged through their day, after the SoundSelf experience. 

Expressive Arts

Arts-based methods can be a powerful approach to integrating SoundSelf experiences into one's life. Art therapy provides a creative and expressive outlet for individuals to explore and process their journeys visually and symbolically. To engage in art therapy for integration, individuals can start by creating art pieces that reflect their experiences, emotions, and insights gained during the SoundSelf session. This can involve painting, drawing, collage, or any other art form that resonates with them. The focus should be on the process rather than the end result, allowing the unconscious to guide the artistic expression. Through art, individuals can access deeper layers of their psyche, making meaning of their experiences and connecting with the transformative aspects of their SoundSelf journey.

7. Monitor Progress and Adjust:

Continuously monitor the progress of patients who incorporate SoundSelf into their ketamine therapy. Regularly assess the impact of SoundSelf on their overall treatment outcomes, mental health symptoms, and subjective experiences. Adjust the frequency and duration of SoundSelf sessions based on individual responses and therapeutic goals.

8. Collaboration with SoundSelf Professionals:

Consider collaborating with professionals who specialize in SoundSelf to gain additional insights and support. Consult with experts or attend professional development programs to deepen your knowledge of SoundSelf and its potential applications in ketamine therapy. Engage in peer discussions and share experiences with other therapists who have successfully integrated SoundSelf into their clinical practice.

9. Ethical Considerations and Informed Consent:

Adhere to ethical guidelines and obtain informed consent from patients before incorporating SoundSelf into their ketamine therapy. Clearly explain the benefits, potential risks, and limitations of using SoundSelf. Ensure that patients have the autonomy to make an informed decision about their participation in SoundSelf sessions and maintain confidentiality regarding their experiences.

By following these clinical guidelines, therapists can effectively integrate SoundSelf into their ketamine clinics and enhance the therapeutic process. SoundSelf has the potential to amplify the benefits of ketamine therapy, foster self-awareness, facilitate the integration of insights, and promote lasting positive change for patients.

Sandeep Prakash, PhD

Chief Scientific Officer

• Psychedelic Researcher trained at California Institute of Integral Studies

• Expert in leading psychedelic and DTx research

• Over a decade of experience in transformative experience design


Case Study: Enhancing Ketamine Therapy with SoundSelf in a Treatment-Resistant Patient Group


Enhancing Preparation for Ketamine Therapy with SoundSelf: A Transformative Approach